Our Family Pictures 2012

I LOVED how our annual photoshoot turned out this year!  It was really hard to pick which ones to use in our Christmas card.  For the shots with me in them, I brought my camera, put it on a tripod, fixed all the settings the way I wanted them, then gave the wireless remote to my mom, then had her keep pushing the button to make sure we had several shots to choose from in case anybody closed their eyes.  All other shots I took handheld.

Morgan wanted a non-smiling shot.  It's cute, but I love her SMILE!

 I like this shot of Kyle because it totally so his mischievousness!

Kyle asked if he and I could do some shots of us kissing each other.  I'm so glad he made the suggestion.  I LOVE THEM (and HIM!).  My mom had left by this point, and I had put my tripod away, so I picked the settings and had Bryan snap these for me.  He did great!

Bryan took this one too!

 Silly Bryan - he LOVES playing Mr. GQ.

LOVE this look.  Totally his, "I know something you don't know" look.

I kept asking Colton to tell me about the cute girls in his class.  He wouldn't give  any details away, but I got a lot of mileage with his grins out of it.