
I love my sisters.  Sure, we still disagree on things from time to time, but I know they will always be there when I need them.  I've been lucky enough to have 2 of my sisters (Jamie & Heidi) move to Phoenix in the last year (along with my parents!).  It's been nice, after 16 years of not living by my family, to be so much closer to them.  My kids have been over the moon having grandparents and aunts doting on them.  They've really missed out on that up until now because we've lived so far away for so long.  There is still a big chunk of family we don't live near, and we miss them and hope to see them more now that Mark's training is over.  We love you guys...whether you are in Arizona, California, Washington, Idaho, Utah, or Kentucky!!

 My sisters and me (Kacie & Heidi to the left, Jamie to the right).

This picture is missing two important brother, Matt & my sister, Brittany.