Soccer Crazed Kids

Soccer this year was bittersweet.  Bryan absolutely LOVES to play.  Unfortunately, the team he ended up on this year was terrible.  It was a struggle to get him to practice because he did NOT want to be there.  It wasn't fun.  It really made me appreciate some of the good teams we have been on in the past.  At this point, when we find a great coach, we want to stick with them - even if the practices aren't conveniently close.  It was fun to watch Bryan at games.  He's a really hard worker and a great player.  Here are some shots from his final game...

Colton and Kyle were each on teams with coaches they had never played for previously.  They were wonderful!  The kids had a great time.  The coaches knew what they were doing and did a great job of getting them to work hard at learning the game, but also helped them have a great time doing it.  Kudos to those parents out there willing to coach kids.  It's a really hard job!

Here are some shots of Colton's final game.  They rotate through different positions throughout the season.  During this game Colton played goalie.  He was awesome!

 Nice save, Colton!!

Kyle is one QUICK little runner.  He can really put on the jets!  It was amazing to watch him on the field.  At that age the tendency is to run around in a pack.  Not Kyle.  He would stay to the outside of the pack and could predict where the ball was going to go.  When it was kicked outside the pack, he was there, ready and waiting to take it and go with it.

The other thing about Kyle is he is a brick wall.  When another kid decided to come at him head to head, and they both connected with the ball, Kyle went right on through as if the kid wasn't even there, while the other kid went flying.  He wasn't trying to take him out, he just keeps going as if the other kid isn't even there - he's a brick wall.

Here he is with his teammate, Jaden.

 In this shot Kyle had just made a goal.  He was SO excited!  He held his arms in the air and was so proud.  Everyone was cheering.  He took that ball from one end of the field to the other and didn't let anyone slow him down.  When he got to the goal he just slammed it in there like it was nothing.  It was amazing to watch!

 Anyone who knows Kyle knows he's a bit of a ham.  He LOVES to be silly!  Here he is celebrating with some of his friends after the game...