For Spring Break March 2010 Mark and I decided to take the kids to San Diego.  We had so much fun.  We got to San Diego just at low tide, so we went to La Jolla, some of the prettiest beach in the world.  We had so much fun spotting sea lions, then going down to the tide pools where our kids could search for all kinds of miniature sea life.

Sea Lions on the rocks

searching the tide pools...

My kids loved finding hermit crabs, picking them up, then waiting for them to peek out of their shells - giggling as their tiny feet tickled their hands.


I love the beauty of the beach!  I could sit forever just watching the waves roll in - fall asleep to the sound of them crashing...

Sometimes I get to peek out from behind the camera - thanks Mark!  (I actually LOVE being behind my camera)

The boys loved crawling around on the cliffs on the beach.  Kyle needed a little help from Bryan at certain parts, but he did NOT want to be left behind.  Never tell him he's not old enough to do something - in his mind there is no such thing.


Love Kyle's dirty bum from sliding around up there!

 My boys - love them!

Darling Morgan.  Such a sweetie!

hard at work finding seashells...

After an afternoon on the beach we went to find our car - we had to walk a ways - and got some cute shots along the way.  Yes, my children are very patient with their picture-loving mother.

Then it was time for dinner.  We ate at a fabulous restaurant we will return to again and again - Georges At the Cove.  If you go there, make sure to get seating on The Terrace (the roof of the restaurant).  The view is amazing and the food is incredible.  It was rated one of the Best Restaurants In San Diego.  We ordered George's Famous Soup (which they served with copy of the recipe - the only one they give out), the Fish Tacos (so amazing!), burgers (for Bryan, who orders burgers no matter where we eat - even if it's a Mexican restaurant), spaghetti (for Kyle), and drumsticks.  Yummy!


After dinner we drove by the San Diego Temple - where Mark and I were married 15 years ago.  It is such a beautiful place, inside and out.  "I Love To See The Temple..."

What a fun and amazing day with my family!