Summer Utah Trip / EFY

Bryan and Morgan took a plane up to Utah for EFY at BYU this summer.  We came up to meet them the Saturday they finished, and then spent the week there in Utah visiting with family.  It was strange driving up without Bryan and Morgan.  We are so used to having a carload of kids when we leave on vacations.  But it was also kind of nice to have that one-on-one time with Colton and Kyle.  The first night of the drive, we stopped at this amazing bridge right at sunset.  So beautiful!


We went to the Stadium of Fire Independence Day celebration at the football stadium at BYU with our family, the Jergensen family (Mark's sister), Mark's parents, and my niece, Emily (Mark's brother's daughter).  That is always SO FUN, with an awesome concert finishing up with an AMAZING fireworks show!  The kids were all dancing in the stands during the concert...

We also headed up to Park City to go on the Alpine Slides and Alpine Coaster.  It's so fun to take the ski lift up, then to slide down the mountain through that beautiful forest!

On Sunday we went to watch the Mormon Tabernacle Choir perform in the Conference Center.  They were doing their Independence Day tribute.  It was so beautiful and so fun!  After, we walked around Temple Square...

My nieces, Emily and Sara.

The next day we headed up to Logan to spend a few days with Mark's sister and her family.  Mark had brought several of his guns, so we went out shooting...

My niece, Madison...

My niece, Emily...

I love that Bryan helps Kyle to hold up and keep the gun steady.  So cute!

My turn...

Mark's dad came with us.  He is so cute!  He found a place to sit on this old, discarded TV.