Thanksgiving Festivities

The boys started Thanksgiving Day with the typical Turkey Bowl with our ward.  This is a very big and well attended event!  There are usually around 100 men and boys out there for the big games.  This year was no different.  Mark and Bryan played on a team together.  Here are some pics of their fun!

While the big guys were playing football, the little guys (who didn't make the age cut-off a.k.a. Colton and Kyle) were catching fish with their bare hands and little pieces of donut in the pond next to the fields.

Once they caught them they released them back into the pond.  This provided hours of entertainment to them and their friends...

I only left the house for about an hour to see the fun, and then it was home to take care of all the yummy cooking left to do!  Finally everything was ready and we sat down to tons of delicious food.  I LOVE Thanksgiving!

The next day we drove about an hour away into the mountains to go shooting. Mark's friend had a truckload of pumpkins to use for targets.  They had a whole table set up with all kinds of guns and ammunition.  Everyone had a great time.

My sister, Jamie...

My sister, Kacie...

 Colton, Bryan, and Mark...

The poor pumpkins didn't have such a good time.

My favorite is shooting the shotgun at clay pigeons...

Kyle love to shoot, but he also LOVES throwing the clay pigeons up.

Kacie's husband, Matt...

 Jamie and my mom...

Their looking pretty serious here.  Bryan is always looking to beat his dad.  When Bryan throws clay pigeons he likes to punch out the centers and throw them so they're harder to shoot.  He never gets very many by Mark though!

Another one of my favorite traditions I had growing up and now continue with my family, is to have a puzzle out all Thanksgiving weekend for people to work on.  When that's done, we pull out another and another.  It's fun to have one just sitting on the table for people to work on all through the holiday season.  Mark and I picked this one up when we went to Salt Lake together the month before.  It had all kinds of fairy tales in one big picture.  It was very colorful and a lot of fun to do.  My kids are really good at it!