The Trip of a Lifetime! (Day 12)

Tuesday, May 10th

The next morning we drove to the Taba International Airport.  That may conjure up images similar to the international airports we are all used to seeing.  Taba's airport...not so much that way.  It's very tiny and has probably a half-dozen chartered flights out of there a week.  We got on the small plane and sat there for 30 minutes, then were ushered back into the airport due to problems with the plane.  We amused ourselves for the next 6 hours waiting for the plane to be fixed.  I say amused, but we were stuck in one large room with really nothing to do.  

We used some of the time to phone Kyle - today was his birthday!  It killed me to not be able to spend it with him, but we had promised him Aunt Jamie would have a birthday party with him while we were gone, and then we would have another when we got back.  Two parties?  He was fine with that.  It was so good to hear our kids voices every time we got to talk with them (which was probably every 2 to 3 days.

We were all very excited when they said the plane was fixed and we could finally embark on our journey to Cairo.  We all crossed our fingers when the plane took off - hopefully no more plane troubles?  None, thank goodness.

We arrived in Cairo and drove to the must luxurious hotel in Egypt - the fantastic five-star Intercontinental Citystars Hotel.  I must say I have never slept in a more comfortable bed - ever.

This was the beautiful and huge pool...