Trip to Hawaii - Day 7 (The Big Island)

This beach, Makalawena Beach, is really a hidden gem.  You drive off of the highway onto a dirt road the goes back and forth through black lava fields for about 15 minutes.  Then you walk for about five minutes through some more lava field, and then it opens up into this lush, oasis of gorgeousness!  It's pretty empty here.  So, so, so pretty.  The water wasn't as clear as some of the other beaches for snorkeling purposes, but the color and the sand were beautiful.  It also had beautiful trees all up and down the beach that provided shade right up into the water, so we didn't even need to set up our umbrella.  We could really relax and enjoy the beauty...and we did!

 Kyle freaked out for a second when he was out in the water getting his ball back, and a sea turtle popped up literally right next to him.  Scared him for a second until he realized what it was!  Then he thought it was so cool!

 I really took some time here to play with my camera a little and the 14mm lens I had brought with me.  I love photography and the ability it gives me to freeze a moment in time so I can remember all this beauty and memories with my family later...


When we got back to the house we were staying at that afternoon, a pretty good rainstorm hit.  It was pretty fun to see Bryan out there on the driveway, in the pouring rain, kicking his soccer ball up against the garage.  He did that for about 30 minutes, and then the rain let up...That boy LOVES soccer!