we are thankFULL

As our Primary chorister said best, "We need to be thankFUL, not thankEMPTY."  I am very thankful this year.  I feel blessed to have a wonderful, healthy family.  I am thankful for an amazing husband who loves and cares for our family so well, who honors his priesthood, who sets a wonderful example for my children and I to follow.  I am thankful for children who love and honor me, who try so hard to be good (and exceed most of the time), who live the gospel so well.  I am thankful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I am thankful to live in this country that gives us freedoms found nowhere else in the world.  I am thankful for my calling in the Primary.  I am thankful for the beauty of the world around me.  I am thankful for extended family who bring me and my family so much happiness.  I am thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and the sacrifice he made for me so that I can live with Heavenly Father again.  I am thankful for the knowledge that I can be with my family forever.  I am thankful for temples that allow us to be sealed to our families for eternity.  I am thankful for technology and its wonders that allow us to communicate in things like blogs over great distances.  I'm thankful for yummy food!  And that brings me to Thanksgiving....

The day before Thanksgiving Kyle had a party in his classroom.  His teacher provided yummy treats and they got to enjoy time with their friends.  He has such an amazing teacher.  I am so thankful for her.  She does absolutely amazing things with those children.

Kyle with his friend, Jace.


The next day was Thanksgiving.  I had been cooking for three days.  I made a berry pie, a pecan pie (typically this is only for Mark who eats the whole thing in one day), Alton Brown's brined turkey, a double batch of rolls, fresh green beans, cauliflower, stuffed mushrooms, and stuffing.  My parents and Heidi were able to join us (it is so fun having them live so close!).  They brought 2 pumpkin pies, mashed potatoes, an amazing sweet potato casserole, and ham cooked with mango chutney (yum!).  We had quite the spread!  As is typical, we were all way overstuffed.  We spent that day and the next working on a Christmas puzzle (a tradition from my family).  It was such a fun weekend!