We love Sedona!

Spring Break this year we decided to spend a few days with our kids in Sedona.  We've been there several times and always have such a blast!  It is so beautiful there and there are so many fun hikes.  This time we we went on a hike named West Fork of Oak Creek Canyon.  It is an easy hike and is rated one of the best in the whole United States!  So beautiful.

Here we are at the start of the hike.

On both sides of us were the tall, red rock walls rising up to the sky.

We came to the remains of an old hotel that once stood here.  If you look close you can see Kyle peeking through the round window in the wall.

More remains from the hotel with Colton and Kyle and the walking sticks they found along the way...

The weather was so pleasant, but we found patches of snow in the shade of the mountain, where the sun doesn't get to much, and our kids had so much fun playing in it!

This entire hike is right next to Oak Creek the whole way.  The trail crosses the creek every so often and you get to rock hop across, but the water isn't deep and it's so easy to do.  It was the perfect hike for families - even with little ones  along.

It looked like this on both sides of us the entire way...

 We stopped at this spot for about 30 minutes.  It was so nice we wanted to sit back and enjoy it for awhile.  Colton fell in when Kyle grabbed him to keep himself from falling in.  He was so mad.  Everyone was laughing, mostly because he was so mad.  Eventually he got over it.  He was only wet up to his knees, and it was a nice, sunny day.  Poor Colton.

The kids worked on building a dam for awhile.  I remember having so much fun doing that in creeks when we went camping when I was growing up...

Mark carving his walking stick...

Mark grabbed the camera so I would be in some shots...

Playing chess and checkers at Tlaquepaque.

Morgan bought that animal/hood/scarf thing as a souvenir.  She loved it!

Morgan took my picture...

and also had Kyle pose for her...

We had such a fun, relaxing trip.  We always love visiting Sedona!