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📝 Your Assignment:
Step #1: Know the source of your fear. It’s necessary, first, to know what we're afraid of. Most often, fears of recruiting come in several forms. Either we worry about not being liked, or being perceived as pushy, we (secretly) worry the business might not do that well for them, or we simply struggle with the idea of rejection. Knowing the source of your fear (sometimes it can be a combination) is an important part of overcoming your fear of contacting. Write down what your biggest fears in recruiting are.
Step #2: Think about the worst case scenario. What’s the worst thing that could happen if you contacted a certain person about the product or business?
Step #3: Find enthusiasm for what you offer. One of the best techniques I've ever used to overcome my fear of contacting has been to tap into my passion & enthusiasm for what I'm offering. Make a list of all the really wonderful benefits + success stories that have come because of this business. Hang this list nearby where you can see it everyday. Do this & your confidence will skyrocket.
Step #4: Shift your perspective. How would it feel to think of yourself as "sharing information" about what you do? Or "doing someone a favor". If you feel uncomfortable or anxious about “contacting” or “selling"- find a way to shift your perspective to one of doing favors rather than "convincing someone to buy."
Step #5: Make a plan for what you’ll do every time after you have a tough or uncomfortable moment recruiting.
Step#6: Have fun with it. Rather than approaching this from a heavy "have to", "doesn't feel good" perspective - find a fun, interesting way to share your knowledge or passion. Some of my leaders & I have done recruiting blitz’s, offered incentives, accountability contacting, fishing Fridays- all of these were easy, fun, & focused on recruiting. Make a list of at least 3 things that would be fun for you!
Step #7: Keep track of your successes. Keep a record or success journal & record your achievements each day. This will help you stay aware of just how much you do right. We sometimes forget this.
Step #8: Focus on your efforts. Very often, we get really attached to "signing someone up” or having a situation turn out a certain way. Instead, why not focus on efforts - "I’ll do my very best on this call” rather than outcome: "They’ll buy X kit” or “They’ll want to build the business & sign up by this date”. Very often, if you stay focused on the effort - doing a great job - the outcome turns out better than you ever imagined.
Step #9: Start with your easiest win. Look at your list & select names of people that are rated 5, 6 or 7 & then begin with the person you think will be most receptive. Easiest win first.
Step #10: Practice, Practice, Practice . Make sure you practice your Scripts at least 5 times in front of the mirror & with other people before you contact people on your list.
✏️ Resources For You:
Contact Experience Tracker (spreadsheet version): Follow the instructions to make your own virtual copy.
This tracker will guide you in moving your customer from experience to experience. You will want to look at it every day and let it guide you in who to connect with! Use the memory jogger first to help you build this out.💡 TIP: Download the Google Sheets app to your phone so you can update this tracker on the go! If you’d prefer to use a printable contact tracker, you can find that here.Learn what your Top 5 strengths are by doing the Strengths Finder assessment (costs $19us):
After taking the assessment, watch a video on your Top 5 Strengths to learn practical ways to build your doTERRA business using them:
Review the doTERRA Strengths Guide to highlight ideas + take notes based on your strengths:
On Day 4, you’re going to learn how to perfect the initial call