🎙Listen to the audio:
✏️Resources For You:
🗒 3 Ways to Use doTERRA Essential Oils:
Review the instructions below + practice these scripts:
Sometime during this section you want to share another personal experience, it should be quick, under 1-minute & should be specifically about either the aromatic, topical or internal use of essential oils. Do not give an example for all 3 … just choose one.
You can also pass around 1 more oil such as Wild Orange or Deep Blue while you talk about these 3 ways.
“The first way to use essential oils is aromatically. Everyone take their fingers & pinch right above the bridge of their nose. (Everyone mimics your gesture) Right under your fingers is your olfactory nerve. You can take your fingers off because you look silly!"
“This nerve sends messages to the limbic system in your brain, which in turns sends messages all over the body. Sometimes people think it’s hokey to say oils could affect the body just by smelling them, but let me illustrate:"
“When you go to the dentist & need laughing gas for a procedure, how do they deliver that medicine?"
"They don’t give you a pill or a shot … they ask you to breathe through a mask. And when you breathe those synthetic compounds through the mask, your olfactory system is powerful enough to send signals to your body to relax you very quickly! It’s the fastest way to access the brain. This happens exactly the same way with natural compounds found in essential oils. When we breathe in natural compounds from Essential Oils they hit our olfactory nerve & the olfactory nerve sends signals to the limbic system which in turn sends signals to the rest of our body. This can happen in as little as 30 seconds."
“There are a few ways to use essential oils aromatically. You can breathe them from your hands, like we did earlier with peppermint, use them in a diffuser, or breathe them right from the bottle."
“Let’s have an experience with Wild Orange right now. (Let everyone inhale a drop of Wild Orange from their hands. Ask them to describe their experience.) “It’s amazing isn’t it! Not only does it smell really good but wild orange has natural compounds that helps with stress & depression. I take wild orange with me wherever I go.”
“So who can tell me the the first way to use essential oils & one health concern they’d use it for?”
💝 Reward whomever answers with a sample bottle & share what that sample oil is good for.
“The second way to use essential oils is topically. You can actually apply oils directly to the skin. For children & people with sensitive skin, you’ll want to dilute them with fractionated coconut oil. It’s just as effective; it just takes a little longer to absorb."
“You can even apply oils to the bottoms of your feet - including babies - & it won’t bother them. The oil absorbs very quickly into the bloodstream & the skin on the bottoms of the feet is the least sensitive. It’s a great way to get oils into your system fast."
“What health concerns might you use essential oils topically for?” (Let people answer + comment briefly)
“So who can tell me the the second way to use essential oils & one health concern they’d use it for?”
💝 Reward whomever answers with a sample bottle & share what that sample oil is good for.
“The third way to use essential oils is internally. These essential oils are not only safe to use internally, they’re RECOMMENDED.
The CPTG standard means these oils are a medicinal grade & are completely safe to ingest - unlike most other brands. You can put them in your mouth or drink them in water. If you don’t like the taste, put them in a veggie capsule. It’s like concocting your own little natural remedy.”
“What health concerns might you use essential oils internally for? (Let people answer and comment briefly)
“So who can tell me the the third way to use essential oils & one health concern they’d use it for?”
💝 Reward whomever answers with a sample bottle & share what that sample oil is good for.
“Now can anyone tell me ALL THREE ways to use doTERRA oils & a health issue that would benefit from all three applications?
💝 Reward whomever answers with a sample bottle & once again share what that sample oil is used for.
🗒 TESTIMONIALS: Facts Tell, Stories Sell:
This is the most powerful + fun part of the class!
It only works if people have been properly sampled before the class.
If done right, your guests will offer each other social proof & powerful testimonials that illustrate why everyone needs doTERRA in their homes!
This part tees up your powerful close. Say the following:
“Now is the funnest part of the class! For anyone who’d like to come up & share an awesome experience you’ve had with doTERRA Essential Oils, I’ve got one of these sample oils for you!"
“There are just two rules: You have to keep it under 60 seconds, & it can’t be the same health concern as someone else.”
Have about 3 people share. If someone goes over a minute, reinforce the rules without shaming them by saying, “Awe, you went over a minute. But I liked your story so much I’m going to give you the oil anyway!”
🗒 Closing With 3 Kits:
Memorize the scripts below so they are natural to you:
“There are 3 ways to purchase doTERRA essential oils …”
“The first way is retail. Nobody here is going to buy retail tonight. You’d only buy oils at retail prices if you were at a chiropractic office, a spa, or another professional setting. It’s the most expensive way to buy doTERRA."
"The second way is wholesale. This is kind of like having a Costco card where you have an annual membership that gives you access to their great products at the best prices. With doTERRA, your first year is completely free! You have a wholesale membership that allows you to buy at 25% below the retail price, whenever you want to purchase. You don’t need to buy monthly."
"The third way, & the way I purchase doTERRA, is below wholesale, by purchasing monthly. This gives you the deepest discount & it’s optional. I won’t go into detail on that today, but when we have our lifestyle overview once your oils arrive, I can answer any questions you have about that.”
“As you’ve listened tonight about the power of essential oils & how it can change our lives, you might be thinking, ‘Wow - this is more than I imagined.’ doTERRA wants to support you with this essential oil journey, & our goal isn’t that you have just one bottle of Tea Tree for acne or Deep Blue for pain."
“Our goal is to teach you how to live a natural lifestyle so that when things come up like pain, allergies, cold, or the flu instead of reaching for medicine you can can reach for natural solutions - that don’t have the side effects of most medications!”
"doTERRA puts kits together that are cheaper than if you bought your oils individually. So if you add up the cost of all the oils in a kit, the bundled kits will always be cheaper than even the wholesale price of each item. And you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips. Let me tell you about the 3 most popular kits.”
🗒 Kit Tips + Scripts
Choose only 2-3 to highlight. Here are example scripts:
Note: in the audio you hear scripts for previous starter kits. Here are scripts for 5 of the starter kits we chose to highlight as of 2021.
“The first is the Healthy Start kit: This kit comes with small bottles of the 10 most popular oils along with a diffuser! You save $25 through this bundled kit”
“The Healthy Habits Kit is a complete daily wellness plan for the committed! You’ll receive 5 x 5ml bottles of our most popular oils, Lifelong Vitality, Terrazyme digestive enzymes, PB Assist probiotics & our Deep Blue Rub!”
“The Home Essentials Kit is my personal fave and is the best value! It has 3x the amount of the Top 10 oils in the Healthy Start kit, but is not 3x the price! And it includes a diffuser. You save $105 through this bundle kit”
“The Natural Solutions Kit is the ultimate, let’s-do-it-all collection! You’ll have basically all of our top products + oils in 1 bundled kit! 13 full size essential oils with a wooden box to store them in, OnGuard products, our Lifelong Vitality Vitamins + digestive supplements, Deep Blue Rub, Breathe Vapor Stick, Correct-X & coconut oil. This kit saves you $280 off the wholesale cost, so it’s by far the most cost- effective way to get started with the most popular products.”
“If you’re wanting to customize a kit, we also have The Simple Solutions Kit which has 4 of our best selling products. This kit saves you $39 off the wholesale cost, & then you can add whichever other products you want at the 25% off price.”
Highlight the importance of the Wellness Consult:
This video highlights a genius way to really show the value of a Wellness Consult. In the video she refers to some other outdated tools, so you can disregard that part. But talking about the Wellness Consult this way, & offering a “certificate” with their kit purchase really allows them to see the true value here. You can create a certificate using www.canva.com which is a free online site. You can search “certificate” on there & multiple options will pop up for you to tweak to your liking, download & print.
📝 Your Assignment:
Print off several copies of your market’s Enrollment Kits and consider laminating them.
Practice sharing 2 - 3 Enrollment Kits using the scripts. 💡 TIP: Record yourself reading the scripts & listen to it several times.
On Day 9, you’re going to learn how to Close your class Powerfully.