Kyle's "Nutcracker" Field Trip

Kyle's class had the opportunity to attend Broadway Palm's Dinner Theater production of "The Nutcracker".  I got to chaperone!  

This production was so perfect for kids.  First they got to go through a buffet totally geared to their age.  There was all you can eat spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets, pizza, salad bar (more for the adults I'm sure), with pudding, jello, and cake for dessert.  When they had all eaten their fill the production began...

 This was not a ballet, but a play completely geared towards the kids.  It was so funny and the actors were so cute with the kids.  Afterwards the kids could ask them questions about the production.  This was Kyle's favorite character...

I had so much fun sharing this experience with Kyle.  He is such a fun, happy go lucky kid.  I love that he wanted me there with him.  I love you Kyle!