Our Annual Gingerbread House

From the time I was little we have always decorated gingerbread houses at Christmas.  It is so fun to continue that tradition with MY kids.  My parents and my sister, Jamie participated with us this year along with our friends Josh, Sarah, and their son, Jace.  Sarah's house was so pretty!  It was neatly decorated and absolutely beautiful.  Ours was a little more of a hodge-podge of decorating styles, mimicking the hodge-podge of decorators we have.  But beautiful none-the-less.

Here are Sarah, Josh, and Jace...

Me!  (Thanks mom for taking the camera and getting me in some shots!)

Bryan with my sister, Jamie; me working with Colton;

Sarah put a pond in her front yard along with some play equipment...

Sarah's finished house...

Our finished house...little bit of a difference.  We have LOTS of different styles represented here.

Love it!!