Essential Oils for Head and Neck Tension
Essential Oils for
Essential oils are an effective, safe, and very quick way to relieve head and neck tension. They support circulation and reduce feelings of stress. They also have a ton of other health benefits and boost your immune system.What triggers can lead to head and neck tension? Some contributors include hormonal changes, pregnancy, menopause, stress, changes in sleeping patterns, intense physical exertion, allergies, sinus pressure, certain foods, and sensory stimuli. Essential oils are a gentle and natural way to support these feelings of discomfort.
1. Peppermint
Applied topically, peppermint oil has a long-lasting cooling effect on the skin. When applied to the forehead and temples, it supports blood flow and helps with tense muscles. To use, dilute two to three drops of peppermint oil with fractionated coconut oil and rub it into the shoulders, forehead and back of neck.
2. Deep Blue ("Soothing Blend")
Applied topically, this blend does exactly what it says...soothe. It is super supportive for relief of muscle tension. Apply with fractionated coconut oil and rub it into the shoulders, forehead and back of neck. You can also apply before working out to support your muscles and anywhere else you hold tension.
3. Frankincense
Frankincense helps to promote feelings of relaxation and is extremely soothing. It also supports healthy cellular function. Nearly all ancient religions have used frankincense in their spiritual practices including ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists.
4. Basil
Basil acts as a cooling agent for the skin and helps to lesson anxious feelings. When massaged on the back of the neck, it provides a stress-relieving experience. It may also help to ease monthly feminine discomfort. Basil can also be diffused for feelings of relief after a hard workday.
Put it all together:
For the best results, add 20 drops of each of the above oils to a 10mL roller ball. Then top the bottle off with fractionated coconut oil. Apply wherever you are feeling tension on your head and neck. Works like a charm!