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Top 10 Oils for Immune System Support

Don't you hate it when you can feel something coming on, & there's nothing you can do about it?

That's one of the things that excited me most when I first started using essential oils ... we got some control back.

Sure, we still feel under the weather sometimes - but when we do, many times we can nip it in the bud before it gets bad.

Other times we're just able to be much more comfortable as our body works to do its job & get us back to feeling better.

You know how when you go to the doctor & they tell you a it's a virus, there's really nothing they can give you? Antibiotics only work on bacteria - they don't work on a virus.

One really cool thing about essential oils is they can pass through the cell membrane. This means they can go where antibiotics can't. And since viruses replicate inside the cell, getting past that cell membrane is what makes essential oils so great.

So when you have a virus, essential oils can be super supportive to your body.

I really love the fact that my husband - a Pediatric Gastroenterologist - comes running to find our OnGuard, our diffuser, the Breathe oil, the DigestZen ... all of these natural health tools. He has other medication options at his fingertips, but there are side effects to all medications.

He doesn't even take Ibuprofen or Tylenol unless he absolutely has to. He sees the kids that are having liver transplants & all kinds of stomach problems due to those medications.

When we have the ability to use something that doesn't have all those side effects, & that works quickly … that is super exciting!

Here are some of our favorite ways to support the immune system.

Top 10 Oils to Support the Immune System

Frankincense, Lemon, OnGuard, Oregano, & Tea Tree

These oils seem like magic together (but it’s not…it’s chemistry🔬. In fact, we make a very popular immune support blend using exactly these oils. You can remember which oils are in it using the acronym “F.L.O.O.T.”:

Just combine 20 drops of each in a 10mL roller bottle. Then top it off with fractionated coconut oil. Shake before each use. Apply to the bottoms of the feet 3x daily for as long as you need it.

OnGuard+ Softgels

These are our go-to's when someone in our family starts to feel under the weather. They don't just have the OnGuard blend in them … they also have Melissa oil (check out this study), Black Pepper, and Oregano.

These are some huge heavy-hitter immune support oils!

Our standard protocol is to take 2 softgels, 3x/day for 2 days. Then back it off to 1 softgel, 3x/day for as long as you need it. These things are SO supportive...we love these!


Drink 1-3 drops in water, or rub over stomach to ease occasional nausea or upset stomach. This is also wonderful for supporting any other digestive discomfort, such as a too speedy or too slow digestive system, or occasional gas or cramping.

Breathe (respiratory blend)

For maintaining feelings of clear airways & easy breathing, diffuse 8-10 drops. Sit/sleep near the diffuser. Also rub 2 drops over chest as needed.

Stronger blend

This is amazing immune system support & works amazing for fighting seasonal threats. Roll over chest and bottoms of the feet 3x daily. This is great used in combinations with the “FLOOM” blend above, as it has different oils.

Purify blend

This blend is a great one to have running in the diffuser with your OnGuard to help cleanse the air when multiple members of the family are feeling under the weather - but others are hoping not to head that direction. As it is inhaled, the alveoli in your lungs transport it to the bloodstream giving your immunity a huge boost.

I would use 3 drops in a normal size room, 8-10 if it's a big open floor plan.

helpful video:

Start with this:

This Healthy Start Kit comes with 10 of the top oils everyone should have in their home for natural health support.

It also comes with both a free diffuser & a doTERRA wholesale account that give you 25% off any purchases whenever you want for one year.

From the button below, you can also add any other products you want to try & they'll be 25% off too.

Gift from me:

When you make your purchase using the button below, I'll send you The Essential Life reference book as a gift from me.

(only for those in the continental USA)

This book is over 500 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. You'll love this book. It's what I still turn to when I have a question.

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