We love going to see Stadium of Fire at the BYU Stadium.  It's always an amazing show.  This year was no different.  The performer was the Beach Boys!  I had been playing Beach Boy songs for my kids for several weeks to get them excited.  Of course they talked about how these guys were SO OLD! :)

When we got there it was like one big dance party.  EVERYONE in the audience was singing EVERY SINGLE SONG.  So fun!

There was the traditional flyover by the military, with the head of the formation talking to the audience over the loudspeaker from his cockpit as they did it.  I couldn't even sing the national anthem with the audience because my heart was so full.  I sure love the country we are blessed to live in and be a part of.

Alex Boye performed throughout the show also...

Colton and Kyle were so excited when one of the beach balls being tossed around the crowd during the Beach Boys concert was hit to them!  They didn't want to send it back out into the crowd...but they did.

The fireworks display at the end of the concert is always amazing.  There's a reason they call it Stadium of Fire.

We drove back to Elaine's that night to sleep, then left for the Logan again in the morning.