UTAH TRIP - days six, seven, and eight

My kids love the Jergensen's dog, Talbot (aka Bert).  Kyle loved snuggling up next to him on the couch.  Talbot considers himself a person I think.

 The kids decided to sleep out in the backyard in a tent one night so that Colton could pass it off for his Webelos badge.  They had a blast setting everything up.  You can see all the smoke in the background.  There were actually TONS of fires all over Utah this summer.  One popped up in the mountains right behind the Jergensen's house while we were there.  It was actually a concern that we might get evacuated.  The fire was probably five miles away.  Luckily, by the next morning it had been put out.

We LOVE hangin' with the Jergensen's!

Friday night we ate dinner with the Jergensen's the drove down to my Aunt Elaine's to stay the night so we wouldn't have to travel as far the next morning when we needed to pick up Bryan from EFY.

Saturday morning we picked up Bryan and started the long drive home.  We had to do it in one day instead of two on the way home, which is always a little painful, but we had such a wonderful trip!  The ride home was filled with hearing all about Bryan's experience at EFY that week.  He had such a blast and came home really wanting to try harder to please Heavenly Father - he's a fabulous example for his younger siblings already, but now he was even more focused on becoming the person his Heavenly Father knows he is.  That kid amazes me.  I'm so extremely proud of him and the person he is becoming!