Peach-Banana Smoothie

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From Art Smith's KITCHEN LIFE. Because this slushy, satisfying drink can be served anytime during the day (as a low-fat, on-the-go breakfast; a light lunch; a between-meal snack; and so on), I like to make a blenderful in the morning and store it in the freezer. It won't freeze solid for a few hours, and even if it does, it can be reblended with a splash of milk. I love it with peaches, but frozen strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, or even melon are just as tasty.

1/2 cup skim or reduced-fat milk
1 cup nonfat plain or vanilla-flavored yogurt
1 tablespoon honey, or more to taste
2 cups (8 ounces) frozen sliced peaches or other frozen fruit
1 ripe banana, sliced
1 tablespoon bran, optional

In the order given, place the milk, yogurt, honey, peaches, banana, and bran, if using, in a blender and process until smooth. (The smoothies can be prepared up to 8 hours ahead, then covered and stored in the freezer.) Serve chilled.