Finally get great sleep - consistently!


Are you one of those parents who feel like sleep is a mythical creature you've only heard about in fairy tales? Trust me, you're not alone! When I first started teaching classes on essential oils, I was amazed at how many people struggled with sleep—at least 9 out of 10 people at every class! 😴 

I remember when Kyle was first diagnosed with ADHD. The prescribed medication turned my best sleeper into a night owl. This kid used to be out like a light from the time he was born, but suddenly, falling asleep became an Olympic sport. Enter doTERRA essential oils, my secret weapon. We tried a blend of Cedarwood, Lavender, Vetiver, and Serenity in his diffuser, and just like magic, he was back to sleeping soundly overnight. No more struggles! 💤✨ 

It's not just us. So many of the moms I talk to have tried everything from cutting out caffeine to sheep counting marathons with little to no success. And let's not even talk about those groggy mornings after using sleep aids, or the memory fog from chronic use. Even melatonin can become a crutch, making your body forget how to fall asleep on its own.

But here’s the good news: doTERRA essential oils can be a total game-changer. These oils are not just fragrant—they're pure, third-party tested, and actually work to help you and your family sleep soundly. We're going to dive into why these oils are unique and how they can solve your sleep struggles for good.

And there's a few other products I love and have notice have made a huge difference.

Ready to create new bedtime habits and catch some Zzzz's? Let's get started! 🌙✨

Top Natural Ways to support Sleep

If you have trouble falling asleep…

Do you turn into a night owl just when it’s time to hit the hay, or find yourself wide awake the moment your head hits the pillow? Here's a little mom secret: grab a nibble before bed! A small piece of raw cheese or a spoonful of almond butter can do wonders. It's like sending those high cortisol levels to their room, grounding them for the night. So, munch on that bedtime snack and say goodbye to tossing and turning. You'll be dreaming of sleep like you dream of kid-free Target trips!

If you wake up in the middle of the night…

Again, if you find yourself wide awake at 2 AM, contemplating the meaning of life (or just that pile of laundry), it's like your body’s playing a cruel prank. The culprit? Low blood sugar giving your adrenals the green light to flood your bloodstream with cortisol. A bedtime snack, like a small piece of raw cheese or a spoonful of almond butter can be just what you need. It sends cortisol packing and lets you drift off to dreamland.

Cedarwood + Lavender + Serenity + Vetiver

This was the key concoction for my son, Kyle. Before you hit the hay, try this magic potion: rub 1 drop each of Cedarwood, Lavender, Serenity, and Vetiver on the bottoms of your feet. Then, diffuse the same oils in your bedroom (1 drop of each in a diffuser). I’ve shared this blend with thousands of sleep-deprived souls, and I can't even count how many have come back raving about their amazing sleep. It's like a lullaby in a bottle!🙌

Incorporate MetaPWR Advantage Collagen +NMN

Picture this: you, waking up refreshed, tackling the day with the energy of a toddler on a sugar high, and still having enough oomph left to conquer bedtime battles without feeling like you ran a marathon.

The product I'm going to share with you has been shown to decrease fatigue, help with restorative sleep, and significantly improve overall sleep quality. 🎉 Listen to Dr. Russell Osguthorpe talk about how this specific product can help you HERE.

Let's face it, as we age, our metabolism starts acting like a moody teenager. It influences our energy, weight, body composition, and even our cognitive performance. MetaPWR Advantage was developed with doTERRA researchers to help maintain healthy cell and organ function, keep you mentally energized, and promote a healthy weight and body composition. So, basically, it’s like having a personal trainer, nutritionist, and sleep coach all in one scoop!

What's inside this magic potion, you ask? It’s packed with NMN and resveratrol to boost metabolic health by increasing NADH and NAD+ production in the body and activating the SIRT longevity genes. Plus, it contains nine types of marine collagen tripeptides, which are basically the superheroes for your skin, muscles, and connective tissues.

Check out this star-studded ingredient list:

  • Marine Collagen: for that youthful glow ✨

  • Liposomal Vitamin C: to keep those colds at bay

  • Sea Buckthorn Fruit Extract: the ultimate skin saver

  • NMN Enriched Yeast: boosts energy

  • Red Orange Fruit Extract: protects your cells

  • Hyaluronic Acid: for plump, hydrated skin 💦

  • Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark Essential Oils: delicious and beneficial!

Now, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of those nine types of collagen:

  • Collagen type I: Keeps your skin looking like you actually got some sleep.

  • Collagen type II: Protects your bones and keeps you flexible, because yoga poses shouldn't feel like a circus act.

  • Collagen type IV: Strengthens the skin barrier, making you tough as nails (but soft as silk).

  • Collagen type V: Stabilizes other collagen types, like a supportive best friend.

  • Collagen type VI: Supports muscle function and cell integrity, basically making you a powerhouse.

  • Collagen type IX: Takes care of your joints so you can keep up with the kiddos.

  • Collagen type XXV: Fights against amyloid beta, the bad guy in Alzheimer’s—total brain protector! 🤯

  • Col1a2 protein: Helps with collagen structure.

  • Vacuolar protein sorting 37A: Supports cell growth and differentiation.

This collagen is sourced from sustainably harvested cold-water marine fish and has been hydrolyzed (predigested) by enzymes to create small tripeptide fragments for optimal absorption. Other collagens in the market typically contain 15–35% tripeptide content, but MetaPWR Advantage boasts over 70% tripeptide fragments, making it up to 12 times more absorbable.

So yeah, WAY more than just collagen. Ready to unleash your inner supermom? Give MetaPWR Advantage a try and watch the magic happen! 🌟

Turn off your Wifi…

Turn off your Wi-Fi and send your phone on a little vacation to another room—or at least put it in airplane mode. Reducing your exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can help with sleep issues, so taking these simple steps can make a big difference. 🌙✨

Stop the mid-night bathroom trek

Waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom might be your body's way of saying your blood sugar is out of whack. Try cutting back on sugar to help balance things out. And for an extra boost, I swear by the essential oil blend MetaPWR Metabolic Blend. Just take one drop in your mouth and wash it down with a glass of water about an hour before bed. This helps curb cravings and supports balanced blood sugar levels. Plus, it’s available in gum and beadlets, so you can choose what works best for you! 🌙💧

Night sweats or nervousness?

Do you wake up sweating or feeling nervous? This could be a sign of adrenal fatigue. Here are a few steps to help you feel better:

  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

  • Exercise Smart: Stick to low-impact exercises only.

  • Mindful Eating: Sit down when you eat, and eat slowly.

  • Relax with Oils: Diffuse essential oils for relaxation.

  • Epsom Salt Baths: Treat yourself to soothing baths (more on this in the next tip).

  • Early Bedtime: Aim to go to bed by 9 PM each night.

  • Take Your B Vitamins: They’re crucial for adrenal health.

  • Eat Fresh Veggies: Include organic vegetables at all three meals.

  • Healthy Fats and Protein: Include them in every meal.

  • Skip the Caffeine: No caffeine, period.

  • Rest Up: Take one full day of rest each week.

Implement these steps to support your adrenals and get back to feeling your best! 🌿🛌💧

Get extra Magnesium

Magnesium is a wonder mineral for calming the central nervous system and helping us rest, but many of us are deficient in it. When we're stressed, magnesium is the first mineral our body burns through. A super easy way to boost your magnesium levels is by taking an Epsom salt bath for 20 minutes. Just add 2 cups of Epsom salt and your favorite relaxing essential oils to the bath. If baths aren't your thing or you need extra support, try doTERRA's Bone Nutrient Complex. It's a great way to ensure you're getting enough magnesium and other vital nutrients. 🛁🌿✨

Get foods high in Vitamin A

Vitamin A is like your sleep’s best friend—it helps you fall asleep on time, enjoy high-quality rest, and wake up feeling refreshed and energized. To keep your Vitamin A levels up, load up on animal foods like eggs, grass-fed meats, organ meats, and cultured dairy. These goodies ensure you get the Vitamin A you need to stay alert and energetic throughout the day. 🌟🥚🥩

Lavender, Adaptiv, & Wild Orange

Incorporate essential oils like Lavender, Adaptiv blend, and Wild Orange into your daily routine to help manage stress. Stress can really throw off your blood sugar balance, and as we discussed earlier, that can mess with your sleep. If you haven’t tried essential oils yet, you’re missing out! I was a skeptic myself for years, but once I learned how to use them properly, they were a total game changer. Give them a go—you might be amazed at the difference they can make! 🌿✨

Evaluate bedroom conditions

Take a good look at your bedroom setup. Here’s a quick checklist to help you get your best sleep:

  • Mattress Check: Is your mattress supportive and non-toxic? If not, it might be time for an upgrade.

  • Room Darkness: Is your room dark enough? If not, blackout shades or unplugging electronics can help.

  • Temperature: Is the room too hot or too cold? A small fan or a hot water bottle can make a world of difference in keeping you comfortable.

Adjusting these factors can help create the perfect sleep environment and help you catch those Zzz’s like never before! 🌙🛏️💤

Serenity softgels, Copaiba softgels, &/or Adaptiv softgels

If you’re looking to improve your sleep, these three softgels could make a big difference:

  1. Start with Serenity Softgels: Take 2 about 30 minutes before bedtime. They’re great for helping you relax and drift off peacefully.

  2. Need extra support? Add 1 Adaptiv Softgel with the Serenity. Adaptiv helps manage stress and promotes a calm state.

  3. Still need more help? Add 2 Copaiba Softgels. Copaiba offers additional support for your central nervous system and helps maintain calm.

Just remember, only the softgel versions of Serenity and Adaptiv are designed for internal use. Stick with the softgels for the best results. Sweet dreams! 🌙💤✨

helpful video:

Isn’t it time?

Use this link today and you’ll unlock a free account that gives you a 25% discount on all your doTERRA purchases for one full year! Shop whenever you like, and never pay retail pricing again. Your orders will be shipped to your door directly from doTERRA.

No minimum purchase required🎉

Shop for any of the items we've talked about today, or browse the collection of all doTERRA products and grab any others you would like to try.


For those in the continental USA, I'll also send you the Advanced Oil Magic reference book as a free gift!

This book is over 300 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. Inside you'll find:

  • 600 quick reference Ailments & Conditions

  • Uses & oil hacks for Single Oils & Oil Blends

  • Hundreds of recipes, diffuser blends, & DIY’s

  • Lifestyle Protocols

  • 105 serious Ailment Protocols

  • Incredible Emotions & Energy usage

  • Gorgeous Essential Oil Science made useful & practical

  • QR Sharable Videos on your favorite essential oils

BEGIN by looking up your ailments and conditions. Try one or a few of the oils suggested. THEN get serious by following protocols, which give you the exact recipes you need to get big results with your oils.


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