Top 10 Essential Oils for Summer



In Phoenix we're hitting in the 110 to 118 degree range - HOT! Are you feeling it in your neck of the woods?

Whatever you're doing for your summer, there's bound to be some fun going on & hopefully a vacay or two.

Take advantage of these helpful tips our family has learned for staying healthy & happy over your summer!

Top 10 Oils for Summer


This oil is a must for beach vacations because it's great to put on skin after a bit too much sun. It'll also help reduce stress & sleep soundly.

Rub a drop or two on the burned area, the back of the neck, or add it to your favorite diffuser you brought along!

My favorite diffuser to tote along on trips is doTERRA's Pilot. It's compact and will go for up to 8 hours.

Lavender is also great for your summertime gardening. When I reach in to pick zucchini or cucumbers without covering my arms for protection, I'll be itching them the rest of the day. I've found that rubbing Lavender on your arms if they're itchy is a super fast way to calm the itch. So grateful…& you won't need Benadryl! I don't know if you're like me with this, but Benadryl just puts me to sleep & I'm no good for the rest of the day…I avoid it like the plague.😬

OnGuard Sanitizing Mist

This antibacterial spray kills 99.9% of germs & doesn't contain any synthetic chemicals like the conventional wipes, gels & sprays. This is a must to carry in the car, your purse, or send with your kids to summer camp.


For the occasional stuffy nose, where any kind of respiratory support is needed, or if anyone in your family has issues being around animals, Breathe is the oil you want on hand! Rub 1-2 drops over the lungs, sinuses, bottoms of the feet, back of the neck, or diffuse as needed.


This oil comes in a handy spray bottle. So, simply spray it directly on to the skin to keep the mosquitos & other bugs away. I used some of this last summer when the mosquitos were out in full force & didn't get a single bite!

I also use the non-spray bottle format for rubbing on spots where I see bad bug activity on my plants in my garden.

Deep Blue Stick + Copaiba

If you're planning on doing any hiking this summer, bring your Deep Blue Stick along! It also has Copaiba in it, & the stick format makes it convenient to use when you're on the go. No need to worry about washing your hands after applying it because you aren't touching the oils & it doesn't need to be rubbed in!😀 

Citrus Bliss & Adaptiv

These two oil blends are great together for both energy & to reduce anxious feelings. I love using them for road trips (car diffusers are an amazing invention…again the Pilot one is awesome), or to diffuse throughout the day in the house.

Cedarwood & Adaptiv

These are my go-to's for a solid night's sleep, & the entire family loves them! Either rub a couple drops on the bottoms of the feet before bed or diffuse it along with some Lavender, or Serenity. These oils are truly amazing!


This is my go-to for any & all digestive support needs. Simply rub 1-2 drops on the chest or belly (depending on where you're having the problem) or take 1-2 drops internally (I do both options together). DigestZen also comes in capsule form, which makes it super easy for travel!


This blend is a natural & effective alternative for immune support. My whole family uses this oil anytime we're traveling because we never know what we'll come in contact with.

Rub a drop or two on the bottoms of the feet, around the base of the neck, or take internally 2x a day. 

This blend also comes in capsule form...& those capsules are AMAZING because they also contain Oregano (amazing for immune system support), Black Pepper (also has amazing immune properties, & Melissa (A.K.A. Lemon Balm, which is the highest antiviral found in nature!).


This oil helps alleviate occasional stomach upset & promotes healthy respiratory function. It also has a cooling effect on the skin, which is great when you've gotten a bit too much sun.

It's also a great oil to use to help wake you up & give you more energy (a MUST for car trips). You can rub a drop or two on your feet, on the back of your neck, on the area of concern, diffuse or take internally.

helpful video:


How do you want to start?

Use the button below to create a free doterra account so you can purchase all doTERRA products at 25% off.

When you have your own account through me, you will get the discount, and your orders will be shipped to your door directly from doTERRA. There are minimum requirements. Just order whenever you want & you'll always have my 25% discount!


For those in the continental USA, I'll also send you the Advanced Oil Magic reference book as a free gift!

This book is over 300 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. Inside you'll find:

  • 600 quick reference Ailments & Conditions

  • Uses & oil hacks for Single Oils & Oil Blends

  • Hundreds of recipes, diffuser blends, & DIY’s

  • Lifestyle Protocols

  • 105 serious Ailment Protocols

  • Incredible Emotions & Energy usage

  • Gorgeous Essential Oil Science made useful & practical

  • QR Sharable Videos on your favorite essential oils

BEGIN by looking up your ailments and conditions. Try one or a few of the oils suggested. THEN get serious by following protocols, which give you the exact recipes you need to get big results with your oils.


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