Top Essential Oils for Holiday Stress
The holiday hustle is in full swing for me ... how about you? Isn't it funny how in this season where we long to feel Peace, it can be extremely hard to come by with all the busyness involved?
As moms we're just so darn busy serving our families & everyone around us … & we love doing it.
It's also easy to feel overwhelmed by it all.
Well I have a few tips for you today on how to reign in the crazy, stop your brain from going a million miles a minute, & bring a sense of calm & longed for peace back into your heart ... so you can enjoy the season alongside your family.
Sound good? Here we go…
Top 5 Ways to Use Essential Oils to Support
Whether using just the oil or the capsules, this is everybody's powerhouse “go-to” for all things emotional.
The capsules are for internal use & contain a list of heavily studied ingredients to help support your emotional state, with GABA being huge on that list.
And the essential oil blend is entirely different ingredients, designed to be complementary when used with the capsules. You can diffuse it or use it directly on your skin where you'll be able to smell it (there's a huge connection between your sense of smell & your brain).
This combo is so good!
Diffuser Recipe for Stress Relief
Here's an AWESOME diffuser recipe for stress relief. Write me back when you try it & let me know what you thought 😘 ... To your diffuser add:
4 drops Roman Chamomile essential oil
3 drops Lavender essential oil
2 drops Clary Sage essential oil
2 drops Geranium essential oil
1 drop Ylang Ylang essential oil
Essential Oils + Meditation
Use essential oils with meditation. This has proven to significantly reduce anxious feelings, help with concentration, & mood regulation. Anxiety is a primary trigger that can disrupt all our healthy lifestyle plans. If you can't get motivated to exercise, or you find yourself turning to foods you shouldn't, try this...
Find a quiet place in your home, diffuse your favorite grounding essential oil blend (I enjoy the Balance Blend for this), & let your mind wander for a few minutes. To help with this, & if you aren't sure about or have never tried meditation, look up the app "Headspace" on your phone. It makes meditation simple. Give it a try!
Essential Oils + Yoga
Use oils while doing Yoga. Yoga has proven to be beneficial because of its 3 main components: asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing technique), & meditation. Modern day research has shown that yoga can help manage stress in several ways:
Decreases salivary cortisol, which is a known stress hormone.
Helps stabilize the function of the autonomic nervous system, the system that controls our breathing, heartbeat, and digestive processes.
Plays a significant role in decreasing heart rate.
Stimulates the amygdala and frontal cortex, which house our memory and emotional reactions.
When you add essential oils, you magnify the health benefits of yoga. You further reduce anxious feelings, maintain concentration, & facilitate clear breathing + open airways. Here's some tips on oils to include in your yoga practice:
Apply InTune at the beginning of class to help set your focus.
Rub a drop of doTERRA Breathe on your chest.
For a more invigorating practice, diffuse Wild Orange and Peppermint.
Diffuse doTERRA Serenity for a more calming practice.
Apply a drop of Frankincense or Sandalwood to your temples during meditation to help you relax and reduce stress.
Apply doTERRA Balance to the back of your neck during Savasana to help with relaxation.
Good Sleep
Sleep is vital for managing stress & emotions. For a good night's sleep, diffuse 2 drops of Lavender + 2 drops of Frankincense in your room while sleeping.
If you struggle with not being able to shut down your brain at night - you're constantly thinking about what happened that day or what you need to do tomorrow - add a drop of Vetiver to the mix above.
helpful videos:
Adrenal Function and Stress
Physicians talk about Emotional Health & Essential Oils
Start with this:
If you're loving the idea of replacing toxic candles & plugins in your home, you'll love snagging these two EXCLUSIVE oil blends ONLY AVAILABLE during the Christmas Season!
Holiday Joy and Holiday Peace!
You're allowed to purchase up to 4 of each of these blends. I always stock up so I have some for the rest of the year because they're my faves!
Using the link above it will take you to a custom cart with both these oils in it. You can increase the amounts of each if you want more bottles. And if you increase it to at least 200pv you'll also get a free bottle of Frankincense thrown in throughout December! ($100 retail value)
It also comes with a free doTERRA wholesale account that give you 25% off any purchases whenever you want for one year.
These two oils sell out every year, & when they’re gone they’re gone. So don’t wait if these are something you want.
Free from me:
When you purchase through me, I'll send you The Essential Life reference book as a free gift!
(only for those in the continental USA)
This book is over 500 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. You'll love this book. It's what I still turn to when I have a question.
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