Bounce Back Fast: Top Natural Immune Booster


Don’t you just hate that feeling when you can sense a cold or stomach flu sneaking up, and you feel totally helpless? One of the best things I discovered when I first started using doTERRA essential oils was the sense of control we got back. Yes, we still get sick sometimes, but now we can often nip it in the bud or at least make it through with way more comfort. 🎉

You know those moments when you drag the kiddos to the doctor, only to be told, “It’s a virus, nothing we can do”? Antibiotics might be off the table, but guess what? Essential oils can go where antibiotics can't. Because they can pass through the cell membrane, they get right to where viruses like to hide and replicate. This makes them a powerful ally for our immune systems.

Take it from my husband, the pediatric gastroenterologist, who will ask for our OnGuard, diffuser, Breathe oil, and DigestZen. With his experience, he knows the side effects that come with medications, and he’s all about minimizing them—especially since he sees kids dealing with liver transplants and stomach problems from meds every day.

When we can use something natural that works quickly and without side effects, it’s a win-win! 🙌

Our OnGuard+ softgels have become our go-to for staying well, especially during the winter months when germs are everywhere. Taking one daily has helped keep us from getting sick, and if we do catch something, it’s like a superhero sidekick, making our symptoms milder and helping us bounce back faster. 🦸‍♀️ 

With back-to-school season here, now is the perfect time to gear up with immune support for the whole family. Let’s make sure those runny noses, sore throats, and missed school days are kept to a minimum this year.

Here are some of our favorite ways to support the immune system naturally and effectively. Ready to dive in? Let’s get started!

Top Natural Immune Boosters

Frankincense, Lemon, OnGuard, Oregano, & Tea Tree

I have to tell you about this amazing immune-boosting combo I’ve been using for my family. It's a blend of Frankincense, Lemon, OnGuard, Oregano, and Tea Tree oils—let's call it "F.L.O.O.T." because, well, we moms love our clever hacks!

Here's why this blend is so magical:

  • Frankincense: The king of oils, great for overall wellness and boosting the immune system.

  • Lemon: A natural cleanser that supports respiratory function.

  • OnGuard: The ultimate protector, known for its ability to support the body's natural defenses.

  • Oregano: Powerful and potent, it's a go-to for immune support.

  • Tea Tree: Renowned for its purifying properties and also supports healthy immune function.

To make this blend, grab a 10mL roller bottle and add 20 drops of each oil. Top it off with fractionated coconut oil and give it a good shake. You've just made your own F.L.O.O.T. blend!

Now, here’s the fun part. Apply this blend to the bottoms of your kiddos' feet three times a day. Why the feet? Because the skin is less sensitive there and it’s a great way to absorb the oils. Think of it as putting little immune-boosting shields on their feet. 🌟👣

I’ve used this for years on my kids, and it’s been a game-changer. No more constant sniffles and coughs! Plus, it’s super easy to make and use. Just roll it on and let the oils do their magic.

So, if you’re tired of the endless cycle of colds and want something natural and effective, give F.L.O.O.T. a try. It’s time to take control of our family's health, one drop at a time! ✨💪

I’d love to hear how it works for you!

OnGuard+ Softgels

Ok, let me tell you a little secret that my college kids actually ask for in their Christmas stockings! Can you believe it? 🎅🏼 They never want to run out of these OnGuard+ softgels—true story! 😂

Picture this: someone in the family starts to feel that dreaded tickle in their throat. What do we do? We bust out these magic capsules that are packed with the immune-boosting powerhouse, OnGuard blend. But wait, there's more! They also contain Melissa oil (the highest antiviral found in nature, seriously a superhero in the oil world), Black Pepper, and Oregano. Yep, we're talking about some serious heavy hitters here!

Our go-to family protocol is to take 2 softgels, 3 times a day for the first 2 days. Then we dial it down to 1 softgel, 3 times a day until everyone’s back to their vibrant, healthy selves. These little gems are incredibly supportive—we can't get enough of them!

So, whether you're dealing with the back-to-school germ parade or just want to keep everyone in tip-top shape, these OnGuard+ softgels are your new best friend. Trust me, you'll wonder how you ever lived without them! 💪✨


Let’s talk about one of my secret weapons for those not-so-fun tummy troubles. You know the drill—kids (or you) feeling queasy, and suddenly the household is on high alert. Well, say hello to our lifesaver: this amazing digestive support oil! 

Here’s the scoop: just add 1-3 drops of this DigestZen blend to water and drink it down, or if you prefer, rub it directly over the stomach. Trust me, it works wonders. We’re talking about easing nausea and vomiting like a pro! 🌟

But wait, there’s more! This little miracle worker doesn’t stop there. It’s also fantastic for any other digestive discomfort you can think of—diarrhea, constipation, gas, or cramping. Even though my husband is a gastroenterologist, this is what we reach for over and over and you will want to always have this available in your home and on-the-go or when you travel.

So next time your family's tummy decides to throw a tantrum, you'll be ready to handle it like a champ. Your stomach will thank you, and you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it! 💪🍃

Breathe (respiratory blend)

🌬️ Ever had one of those nights where you're convinced your family is auditioning for a snoring symphony? 🎻 Enter doTERRA Breathe Respiratory Blend, your new best friend for breathing easy and finally getting some sleep!

Here's the lowdown: pop 8-10 drops into your diffuser, and let it work its magic. Set it up near where you're sleeping or lounging, and just breathe (no pun intended!). Bonus tip: for those times when you need a little extra help, rub 2 drops over your chest. Think of it as your very own chest rub superhero! 🦸‍♀️

This magical blend is also fantastic for tackling those pesky seasonal allergies and any respiratory bugs that sneak into your home. It's like giving your respiratory system a gentle hug, helping to clear things up and keep you feeling great. 🌸🤧

Not only will you feel like you’re breathing in fresh mountain air, but it’s also super supportive when those allergens or bugs hit. Who wouldn’t want that? Give it a try and let me know how it goes – I bet you’ll be amazed! 🌿✨

Stronger blend

You know that moment when you see one kid starting to sniffle and think, "Oh no, here we go again"? 😩 Well, let me introduce you to the doTERRA Stronger Immune Support Blend – your secret weapon to keep those germs from making the rounds! 🌿✨

This little roller bottle is a lifesaver. It's so easy and portable, you can use it anytime, anywhere. Just roll it on your kiddo's wrists, the back of their neck, or even the bottoms of their feet. It's like giving their immune system a quick and powerful boost! 💪

Picture this: you're at the playground, and you notice your little one starting to look a bit run-down. No problem! Just whip out your Stronger roller bottle and give them a quick roll. You'll feel prepared and proactive, and your child will get the support they need right away.

Ready to give it a try? Trust me, this blend is a must-have in every mom’s toolkit. Let’s keep those sniffles at bay and boost that immunity on the go! 🌿💪 

Purify blend

You know those days when one kiddo gets sick, and before you know it, the entire house is a sniffling, coughing symphony? 😩 Well, let me introduce you to my secret weapon: doTERRA's Purify blend. Picture this: Purify and OnGuard, working together in your diffuser like a superhero duo, swooping in to save the day (and your sanity)! 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️

Here’s the scoop: When you diffuse Purify, those magic little droplets get inhaled and make their way to the alveoli in your lungs. Fancy, right? The alveoli then transport these tiny heroes straight into your bloodstream, giving your immune system a turbo boost. It's like a spa day for your insides, minus the cucumber slices. 🥒✨

For a normal-sized room, just add 3 drops of Purify to your diffuser, and let the magic happen. Got a big, open floor plan? Go wild with 8-10 drops. Your home will smell amazing, and you’ll be the mom who keeps everyone healthy and happy. 💪👩‍👧‍👦

So, let’s make this the year we outsmart those pesky germs. Grab your Purify blend below.

helpful video:

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Shop for any of the items we've talked about today, or browse the collection of all doTERRA products and grab any others you would like to try.


For those in the continental USA, I'll also send you the Advanced Oil Magic reference book as a free gift!

This book is over 300 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. Inside you'll find:

  • 600 quick reference Ailments & Conditions

  • Uses & oil hacks for Single Oils & Oil Blends

  • Hundreds of recipes, diffuser blends, & DIY’s

  • Lifestyle Protocols

  • 105 serious Ailment Protocols

  • Incredible Emotions & Energy usage

  • Gorgeous Essential Oil Science made useful & practical

  • QR Sharable Videos on your favorite essential oils

BEGIN by looking up your ailments and conditions. Try one or a few of the oils suggested. THEN get serious by following protocols, which give you the exact recipes you need to get big results with your oils.


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