7 Best Tips for Using Essential Oils to Get Better Sleep and Have Better Digestion
Do you love holiday food? Me too. But overindulging in it tends to lead to indigestion, bloating, heartburn, & also lack of sleep.
Is it possible to enjoy the yummy food we look forward to all year long, and not have the lousy side effects?
I believe so. And I've got some tips that have worked wonders for our family, and they can for yours too.
So enjoy the gingerbread cookies, pumpkin pie, and candy canes. And use these tools to help your digestive system.
Or if something else is keeping you awake at night, these tips will help you with that too.
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Top Essential Oils for Sleep and Digestion
To get good quality sleep…
Use the new Serenity Sleep System doTERRA just released! This combo of 3 products saves you money over purchasing them individually.
First, it includes the tried & true Serenity essential oil blend. Diffuse this next to your bed while your sleeping.
Second, it includes the Serenity Softgels (a supplement) which now includes Tart Cherry (known for helping the body produce more of its own natural melatonin).
Third, this system includes a brand new Serenity Sleep Stick (which also contains Valerian root…well known for helping with sleep). I love to rub the stick on my wrists, under my nose, on my chest, and the bottoms of my feet.
Kids can use all of this too!
My #1 secret weapon
MetaPWR Metabolic Assist.
You guys…this actually SLOWS the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose (blood sugar), so instead of a giant spike & drop in levels, you’ll experience more narrow changes or an optimal curve.
To put it simply, this product changes your fast carbs into slow carbs (which is what you want if you're trying to have better metabolic health). So needed when December tends to have our blood sugar all over the place.
You can confirm this yourself by wearing a continuous blood glucose monitor throughout the day. Many new users are doing this & seeing the incredible difference in lack of blood sugar spikes throughout the day. Experience it for yourself!
Just take 1-2 capsules with your largest meal of each day. You could also take a capsule with each meal, if you have more over indulgent meal like we all tend to do over the holidays.
I keep a few of these in my purse at all times so I have them just in case we decide to go eat while we're out and about shopping this month.
Each capsule contains the MetaPWR blend, Mulberry leaf extract, & Cinnamon Bark powder. The iminosugars of the mulberry leaves interact with the digestive enzymes that metabolise carbohydrates, slowing their digestion so the glucose doesn’t hit your bloodstream as quickly. This changes the game. MetaPWR Assist:
May decrease post meal glucose spikes
Reduces absorption of simple carbohydrates
Supports healthy blood sugar responses
Stabilizes energy levels throughout the day
Rub 1 drop of Peppermint over the stomach for occasional heartburn.
Rub 1 drop of DigestZen over the lower abdomen to relieve discomfort from bloating. My husband is a Pediatric Gastroenterologist & this oil is our family's favorite go-to for anything digestion related. We'll also swallow 1-2 drops, & then drink a glass of water for some really fast relief!
Epsom salt bath + essential oils
Take an epsom salt bath a few times a week (or each evening, if you can) to help you sleep better & it will help improve your digestion!
When you’re stressed, the first mineral your body burns through is magnesium - this is why so many people are magnesium deficient. Soaking in a bath with 1 cup of epsom salts + a few drops of your favorite essential oil will help you relax & replenish your magnesium stores.
Trouble falling asleep?
If you lay down & can't fall asleep, this is usually a sign of an adrenal imbalance, so diffuse lavender next to your bed & also eat a small snack such as a piece of raw cheese or spoonful of almond butter. A recent study found that inhaling lavender essential oil can decrease cortisol levels. That’s good news for the adrenals!
You can also take 2 doTERRA Serenity Softgels for a natural sleep aid that won't leave you groggy in the morning like regular sleep aids do.
There's also a brand new essential oil blend from doTERRA that is absolute HEAVEN and also so helpful for sleep. It's called Shinrin-Yoku, and smells like a walk in the woods. The clinical studies on this blend are amazing & it helps to reduce your cortisol levels (your stress hormone) for better sleep and feeling more rested in the morning.
Waking up in the middle of the night?
If you wake up in the middle of the night & can't go back to sleep, again, eat a small snack + put a drop of lavender on your chest. The small snack + lavender will both help reduce your cortisol levels so you can go back to sleep.
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Free Frankincense automatically added to cart with any 200 PV order placed in December!
helpful video:
Clinical study results of doTERRA's new Sleep System - Dr Stevens, PhD & Dr Osguthorpe, MD
I’m so excited for what’s in store for you…
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For those in the continental USA, I'll also send you the Advanced Oil Magic reference book as a free gift!
This book is over 300 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. Inside you'll find:
600 quick reference Ailments & Conditions
Uses & oil hacks for Single Oils & Oil Blends
Hundreds of recipes, diffuser blends, & DIY’s
Lifestyle Protocols
105 serious Ailment Protocols
Incredible Emotions & Energy usage
Gorgeous Essential Oil Science made useful & practical
QR Sharable Videos on your favorite essential oils
BEGIN by looking up your ailments and conditions. Try one or a few of the oils suggested. THEN get serious by following protocols, which give you the exact recipes you need to get big results with your oils.