Vacation must-haves: What I never leave home without!


Summer is almost here, and I know you're as excited as I am to embark on your next vacation adventure! But no matter what time of year you’re traveling, these hacks will make your life easier. 🤸‍♂️✈️🏝

We'll be headed to Costa Rica in just a few weeks to pick up our son from his 2-year mission for our church…I can't wait to hug him after two long years. So worth it though - he's been teaching people about how much Jesus loves them and serving the people of Costa Rica every day. He's grown to love them so much, and he's grown up so much in the process. So proud of him❤️❤️❤️

I've learned through experience that essential oils are absolute lifesavers when it comes to traveling. Seriously, they're like little bottles of magic that solve all sorts of vacation-related health issues.

Picture this: we're on the road, exploring new places, trying new foods, and maybe dealing with the occasional travel-related discomforts. That's where these oils come in clutch.

We've got a handful of favorites that pretty much cover all the bases for travel woes. From supporting digestion after indulging in local cuisine to soothing muscles after a day of hiking, these oils have our backs (literally!).

I can't wait to share these travel essentials with you. Get ready to level up our vacation game with some natural remedies that'll keep us feeling our best while we make amazing memories.

Let's dive into these must-have oils together!

Top natural solutions to bring while traveling

Deep Blue Stick

Let's chat about the magic of doTERRA's Deep Blue Stick—it's like having your own personal superhero for muscle and joint support!

Imagine this: you've been pushing your limits on vacation…hiking or just putting in long days of walking and exploring your travel destination, and those muscles are feeling it. Enter the Deep Blue Stick, your new best friend.

This handy stick packs a punch with a blend of powerful essential oils like Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, Osmanthus, and the amazing Copaiba (Copaiba works better than CBD and is a lot safer and more pure). Together, these oils create a soothing sensation that eases tension and supports those hard working muscles and joints.

The best part? It's super easy to use. Just glide the stick over any areas needing some TLC—think shoulders, knees, back—whenever you need relief. It's like a mini massage in a stick!

Its portability and no mess application make it perfect for travel. It's your go-to for natural, effective comfort. So, go ahead, roll away the tension and keep moving with ease!


Let's talk about the superstar of essential oils when it comes to traveling: Lavender! 🌿✨

Lavender essential oil is seriously a game-changer, especially when you're away from home. One of my favorite benefits is how it helps promote better sleep in unfamiliar places. Just a drop on your pillow or a diffuser by your bedside can work wonders for a peaceful night's rest during travels. I love packing a small, portable diffuser when we travel just so I can have it at bedtime. It makes all the difference and makes wherever we are feel like home.

And speaking of travel, have you ever been on a long car trip with kids? Lavender oil is like your secret weapon. Applying a drop to the back of their neck can help calm them down and make the journey so much smoother for everyone.

Feeling a bit anxious or stressed during travel? Lavender to the rescue again! This oil has natural calming properties that can help ease those anxious feelings and bring a sense of peace and relaxation.

Let's not forget about sunburns. Lavender essential oil is known for its soothing and healing properties, making it perfect for easing the discomfort of sun-kissed skin. Just mix a few drops with aloe vera gel and apply gently for relief.

So, whether you're struggling to sleep in a new place, calming restless kids on a road trip, managing travel stress, or soothing sunburns, lavender oil is your go-to travel companion. It's versatile, effective, and smells amazing—a true must-have for your next adventure!


This little bottle is a lifesaver when it comes to supporting digestive health while on the go. Whether it's an occasional upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, belly pain, heartburn, nausea, or even motion sickness, DigestZen has your back.

Here's how to use it: simply rub a drop of DigestZen directly on your belly or, if you prefer, swallow a drop with a glass of water. It's that easy!

I don't know about you, but it seems like someone always ends up with a stomach issue during a trip. Even with my gastroenterologist husband by my side, DigestZen is our go-to first line of defense.

The blend of essential oils in DigestZen, including Ginger, Peppermint, Fennel, Anise, Caraway, Coriander, Tarragon, and more, work together to calm and support a healthy digestive system.

So, before your next adventure, make sure to pack this travel-friendly oil. It's compact, effective, and can make a world of difference when you're away from home.


Breathe essential oil is a true lifesaver when it comes to maintaining clear airways and supporting respiratory health while on the go. Whether you're dealing with a stuffy nose or head pressure from seasonal changes, Breathe can provide instant relief. Simply rub 1-2 drops between your hands, inhale deeply, and feel the congestion melt away.

Now, imagine visiting relatives who have pets that trigger your allergies or experiencing early signs of not feeling your best. Breathe comes to the rescue again, helping to ease sneezing, runny noses, and overall respiratory discomfort.

Let's talk about airplanes—those confined spaces with less-than-ideal air quality. The strong odors and fumes can easily make us feel queasy. That's where Breathe shines. I love using it during flights to help combat nausea and refresh the air I'm breathing. The soothing aroma not only clears my head but also helps clean the air around me.

The secret behind Breathe's effectiveness lies in its blend of essential oils, including Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Cardamom, and Ravensara. Together, these oils work harmoniously to promote clear breathing and support overall respiratory function.

So, whether you're traveling by plane, visiting homes with pets, or simply need a breath of fresh air, Breathe is your go-to companion. Keep it handy in your travel bag for a natural solution to help you feel your best wherever you go!

MetaPWR Assist

I've discovered something amazing over the last couple years that's my secret for not letting traveling hurt all the progress I've made with my health: doTERRA's MetaPWR™ Assist supplement. This stuff is a game-changer, especially when we're trying new foods on vacation.

MetaPWR™ Assist slows down how fast carbs turn into blood sugar, so we avoid those energy crashes after meals. It basically transforms fast carbs into slow carbs for better metabolic health.

People are even wearing continuous glucose monitors and noticing fewer spikes throughout the day. It's pretty incredible!

Just take 1-2 capsules with your biggest meal each day, or even with every meal for quicker results. Each capsule has Mulberry leaf extract, Cinnamon Bark powder, and the MetaPWR™ blend to support healthy blood sugar levels and steady energy.

This supplement is essential for traveling—it helps decrease glucose spikes, reduces carb absorption, and keeps our energy stable throughout the day.

Give MetaPWR™ Assist a try on your vacations (and even at home) and see how it boosts your energy and overall wellness while you explore new places.

OnGuard+ Softgels

Traveling can really take a toll on our immune systems—late nights, crowded places, you name it. That's why I swear by these softgels for keeping us healthy during vacation.🌟✈️

Here's the scoop: we all take one of these softgels every day while we're away to help ward off any bugs we might encounter. If anyone starts feeling a bit off, we bump it up to 2 softgels, 3 times a day for a couple of days, then switch to 1 softgel, 3 times a day until they're feeling better.

And let me tell you, these softgels work like magic! My college kids even request them in their Christmas stockings—they're that effective at keeping us feeling our best.

For best results, use On Guard+ Softgels at the first sign of feeling under the weather or when you've been burning the candle at both ends (we've all been there!). We also like to be proactive and take them before boarding a plane or being in crowded places to give our immune systems an extra boost.

So, before our next adventure, let's stock up on On Guard+ Softgels and stay ahead of any travel bugs.✈️🌴

doTERRA sun

Imagine those perfect summer days—laughing in the sun, enjoying BBQs, and splashing in the water. Now, imagine doing all that worry-free with doTERRA Sun. It's natural sun care you can trust.

Here's why it's awesome:

  • Made with non-nano zinc oxide for safe, mineral-based protection.

  • Vegan-friendly, reef-safe, and packed with nourishing ingredients like aloe vera and vitamin E.

  • SPF 28 broad-spectrum protection without harsh chemicals like oxybenzone or parabens.

No chemicals, just pure sun care goodness. Plus, there's an after-sun spray to soothe your skin afterward. Make the most of summer with doTERRA Sun! ☀️🌊

helpful video:

Dr. Mariza Snyder talks about some of the best oils to bring when you're traveling.

Isn’t it time?

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No minimum purchase required🎉

Shop for any of the items we've talked about today, or browse the collection of all doTERRA products and grab any others you would like to try.


For those in the continental USA, I'll also send you the Advanced Oil Magic reference book as a free gift!

This book is over 300 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. Inside you'll find:

  • 600 quick reference Ailments & Conditions

  • Uses & oil hacks for Single Oils & Oil Blends

  • Hundreds of recipes, diffuser blends, & DIY’s

  • Lifestyle Protocols

  • 105 serious Ailment Protocols

  • Incredible Emotions & Energy usage

  • Gorgeous Essential Oil Science made useful & practical

  • QR Sharable Videos on your favorite essential oils

BEGIN by looking up your ailments and conditions. Try one or a few of the oils suggested. THEN get serious by following protocols, which give you the exact recipes you need to get big results with your oils.


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