Posts tagged holiday candles
Non-toxic holiday diffuser blends to replace your hormone disrupting candles but still have your home smell like Christmas!🎄

I used to get headaches when I burned those delicious smelling Bath & Body Works holiday candles. I also loved their plugins, soaps, lotions … all the things. It wasn't until I started weeding out the toxins in my home that I realized the damage those things were doing to my body. Artificial fragrance is a hormone disruptor. It can add to headaches, allergy symptoms, adhd and add symptoms, and anything else that is associated with your hormones (which is quite a lot!). Now I use my essential oils & a diffuser. And I don't miss the candles. Because I can create those scents myself, & the bonus? There's actual health benefits to boot. Here are some of my favorite holiday diffuser recipes.

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