Posts tagged tension headache
Top 10 reasons you want Frankincense essential oil at your fingertips

I imagine that you know that Frankincense has been around for thousands of years, but did you know that it can be helpful for hundreds of different things?! Seriously, it is used for everything from immune support, inflammation, skin issues, supporting the thyroid, & so much more. Here are some ways to use Frankincense that you’ll want to know about.

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Non-toxic holiday diffuser blends to replace your hormone disrupting candles but still have your home smell like Christmas!🎄

I used to get headaches when I burned those delicious smelling Bath & Body Works holiday candles. I also loved their plugins, soaps, lotions … all the things. It wasn't until I started weeding out the toxins in my home that I realized the damage those things were doing to my body. Artificial fragrance is a hormone disruptor. It can add to headaches, allergy symptoms, adhd and add symptoms, and anything else that is associated with your hormones (which is quite a lot!). Now I use my essential oils & a diffuser. And I don't miss the candles. Because I can create those scents myself, & the bonus? There's actual health benefits to boot. Here are some of my favorite holiday diffuser recipes.

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Top 10 essential oils for head tension

The amount of ibuprofen I see people use consistently for headaches is staggering (not to mention the prescriptions). My husband is a Pediatric Gastroenterologist who takes care of many kids in need of liver transplants due to overuse of Ibuprofen & Tylenol. What if you could use something natural, that worked just as well, without the problems of so many over the counter options?

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