Posts tagged natural home
Copycat Fall Scents: Natural Alternatives to your favorite Bath & Body Works candles

Fall is here, and I’m 100% ready for all the cozy vibes – pumpkin spice, warm blankets, and the smell of fresh leaves! 🍂 But let me tell you, those candles and plug-ins that promise to bring autumn into your home? They’re sneakily filling your air with more than just festive cheer. I'm talking about those pesky, toxic chemicals that can do a number on your health and your family’s well-being. If you’re ready to ditch the fake fragrances and bring in the good stuff, I’ve got some fabulous “Bath & Body Works” mimicking scents for your diffuser that will make your home smell delicious without the downsides.

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Non-toxic holiday diffuser blends to replace your hormone disrupting candles but still have your home smell like Christmas!🎄

I used to get headaches when I burned those delicious smelling Bath & Body Works holiday candles. I also loved their plugins, soaps, lotions … all the things. It wasn't until I started weeding out the toxins in my home that I realized the damage those things were doing to my body. Artificial fragrance is a hormone disruptor. It can add to headaches, allergy symptoms, adhd and add symptoms, and anything else that is associated with your hormones (which is quite a lot!). Now I use my essential oils & a diffuser. And I don't miss the candles. Because I can create those scents myself, & the bonus? There's actual health benefits to boot. Here are some of my favorite holiday diffuser recipes.

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Essential oil powered cleaners to help rid your home of toxins and hormone disrupting chemicals

If you've been with me awhile, you know about the dangers of the word “fragrance” when it's added to labels of household products. Companies are able to pile on all sorts of ingredients under the label of fragrance, & they don't have to disclose those ingredients because it's considered part of their “proprietary formula”. There are some super simple swaps we can make with these products.

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Essential Oils Diffuser Recipes for Every Month of the Year!

The synthetic fragrance in scented candles is toxic and causes allergies, disrupts hormones, contributes to ADHD and ADD, and triggers headaches in many. But you don't want to miss out on the fun scents around the holidays … and you don't have to. Diffusing essential oils is the perfect solution. And along with setting the mood in your home, essential oils can benefit us both physically & emotionally ... it's super fun & easy to do with your diffuser! I thought it would be fun to share with you some of my favorite diffuser recipes - ones that work well for each month of the year. You’ll never miss the candles!

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