Posts tagged Balancing Hormones
How to support your hormone levels naturally✨

Gaining weight and don’t know why? Drained of energy? Trouble falling asleep, then dragging yourself out of bed? Craving ice cream or chips at odd hours? Finding your keys in the freezer or your glasses in strange places? Sending the same text three times because you forgot? Mood swings making your husband cautious around you? Feeling like you're losing your mind? If you nodded yes to any of these, your hormone levels might be the culprit. But before jumping to synthetic hormones, did you know that high-quality essential oils, paired with some lifestyle tweaks, can help balance things out naturally? 🌿✨

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Top 10 reasons you want Frankincense essential oil at your fingertips

I imagine that you know that Frankincense has been around for thousands of years, but did you know that it can be helpful for hundreds of different things?! Seriously, it is used for everything from immune support, inflammation, skin issues, supporting the thyroid, & so much more. Here are some ways to use Frankincense that you’ll want to know about.

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Essential oil powered cleaners to help rid your home of toxins and hormone disrupting chemicals

If you've been with me awhile, you know about the dangers of the word “fragrance” when it's added to labels of household products. Companies are able to pile on all sorts of ingredients under the label of fragrance, & they don't have to disclose those ingredients because it's considered part of their “proprietary formula”. There are some super simple swaps we can make with these products.

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Top 7 Tips for Clear Skin

Everyone is different as far as what triggers your skin, so I'm covering several ways to help you. We'll cover healthy skincare, essential oils, & some simple supplements.

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Top 8 Oils to support BREAKOUTS

Did you think you were done with your face breaking out when you became an adult? That wasn't the case for me, and maybe that’s you too. I'm excited to give you some options you may not have tried, & that won't have the side effects so common with most meds used for breakouts.

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Top 7 Essential Oils for PMS and Period Support

Did you know there's actually a host of medical research on aromatherapy & dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual cramps)? Essential oils have been highly studied in relation to menstrual cramps & monthly cycles. We've put essential oils to the test for supporting our PMS & period woes many times, so I've got some helpful options to share with you.

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