Homemade Oreo Cookies

I know these have “Oreo” in the name…but they are SO much better than that. I have to be careful about making these, because I really can’t control myself around these. Neither can anyone else in my family. These are super fun to bring to family reunions or get togethers. You can make a big batch ahead of time and freeze them.

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Chocolate Heath Cake (a.k.a. “Better Than Sex Cake”)

I was first served this cake at a baby shower in Louisville, Kentucky…asked for the recipe on the spot. It’s super easy to make and is requested as the birthday cake of choice for almost every birthday in our home. Our kids didn’t learn the true name of the cake until they were much older. For a very long time it was simply known as Heath Cake. ;)

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German Chocolate Frosting

You notice this doesn’t include the “cake” recipe? That’s because the cake is just a side note…any chocolate cake will do. The FROSTING is the main event! A McOmber favorite growing up…especially with only a small amount of cake below a double batch of frosting.

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Grant’s No-Bake Cherry Cheesecake

This is one of my dad's specialties. We love his cheesecake! We requested this constantly as kids. I once at myself sick on it, because I just couldn’t stop…it’s that good. Don’t be like me - maybe stop at 2 slices. ;) You can also make these into individual cheesecakes by pressing them into jars.

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