Posts tagged adaptiv system
Focus Doesn't Have to Be a Struggle—Here’s How

It started with my son, Kyle, and his struggle with focus in school. I’ll be honest—I didn’t expect it to work so well. But the results were undeniable. It was like flipping a switch—he was calmer, more present, and way more productive. And that got me thinking: if it helped him, maybe it could help us, too!

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Natural ways to support anxious feelings

When it comes to stress or anxious feelings, I've found these tips to be incredibly helpful. Also, these same tips are so helpful if you're dealing with any type of emotional health needs. I like knowing there's something natural I can turn to that doesn't have the systemic side effects that so many medications do.

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Top essential oils for holiday stress and anxious feelings

The holiday hustle is in full swing for me ... how about you? Isn't it funny how in this season where we long to feel Peace, it can be extremely hard to find. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by it all. I have a few tips for you today on how to reign in the crazy, stop your brain from going a million miles a minute, & bring a sense of calm back into your heart, so you can enjoy the season alongside your family.

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Top Essential Oils for Focus and Concentration for Kids, Teachers, and Parents

I come back to this particular topic a lot because I'm pretty passionate about it. A focus issue is what brought me to essential oils in the first place. My youngest son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was in elementary school. Essential oils made ALL the difference. Here are some tools to help with everyone's focus & concentration ... supporting the brain so we can get down to business & the important things we need to get done.

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