Posts tagged cortisol
Top 10 reasons you want Frankincense essential oil at your fingertips

I imagine that you know that Frankincense has been around for thousands of years, but did you know that it can be helpful for hundreds of different things?! Seriously, it is used for everything from immune support, inflammation, skin issues, supporting the thyroid, & so much more. Here are some ways to use Frankincense that you’ll want to know about.

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Top essential oils for holiday stress and anxious feelings

The holiday hustle is in full swing for me ... how about you? Isn't it funny how in this season where we long to feel Peace, it can be extremely hard to find. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by it all. I have a few tips for you today on how to reign in the crazy, stop your brain from going a million miles a minute, & bring a sense of calm back into your heart, so you can enjoy the season alongside your family.

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