Posts tagged lemongrass
Top 10 essential oils for head tension

The amount of ibuprofen I see people use consistently for headaches is staggering (not to mention the prescriptions). My husband is a Pediatric Gastroenterologist who takes care of many kids in need of liver transplants due to overuse of Ibuprofen & Tylenol. What if you could use something natural, that worked just as well, without the problems of so many over the counter options?

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Top Oils for ENERGY

I don't think there's a parent out there who wouldn't like more energy. We're busy & TIRED. Even with enough sleep, come 3pm or 4pm it's common to feel like we're d..r..a..g..g..i..n..g. Are you trying to kick a caffeine habit, or at least reduce it? Or are there times you deal with brain fog? Maybe you're traveling & dealing with jet lag. For whatever your particular reason ... here are ways to get good, clean, non-habit forming energy when you need it, & also give your brain the support it needs.

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Top Essential Oils for Getting Rid of Bugs and Pests in your Garden and Home

It's surprising how well essential oils can work to deter insects & also to soothe the skin if you do get a bite or sting. Did you know you can use them for protection from pests on your dogs, cats, & other animals? This is just one more instance when I've been grateful to have these essential oil tools at my fingertips!

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