Posts tagged aromatouch
Top 10 essential oils for head tension

The amount of ibuprofen I see people use consistently for headaches is staggering (not to mention the prescriptions). My husband is a Pediatric Gastroenterologist who takes care of many kids in need of liver transplants due to overuse of Ibuprofen & Tylenol. What if you could use something natural, that worked just as well, without the problems of so many over the counter options?

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Essential Oil Tips to Boost Metabolism

We're going to dive into some ways to help you actually reach your weight goals by boosting your metabolism in healthy ways, & ADDING some important things to how you eat. Let's get into some key things to include every day, & also learn how essential oils can help support you reaching your goal weight.

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Top Essential Oils for Digestive Support

It's amazing to me how many people live with a belly that doesn't feel so great. My husband (he's a Pediatric Gastroenterologist) comments on how many kids come in just thinking the pain they live with is normal … that everyone has it. It's not. Let's talk about what we can do with essential oils to support your gut & any associated discomfort there.

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Top Essential Oils for Focus

My youngest son (at the time he was little ...  now he's taller than me) was diagnosed with ADHD when he was in elementary school. Long story short, oils were a huge support, & we were hooked as a family at that point. Let's get down to supporting the brain so we can accomplish what we need to each day🙂. Here's what our family has found helpful…

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Top Essential Oils for Green Cleaning

Did you know there are oils that do a better job at killing germs than even toxic Clorox? It's actually easy to get around using toxic chemicals to clean. And the options I'll share with you are just as effective.

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Top 7 Essential Oils for PMS and Period Support

Did you know there's actually a host of medical research on aromatherapy & dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual cramps)? Essential oils have been highly studied in relation to menstrual cramps & monthly cycles. We've put essential oils to the test for supporting our PMS & period woes many times, so I've got some helpful options to share with you.

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