Posts tagged clear breathing
Some of the Top Ways to Enjoy Peppermint Essential Oil!

Peppermint is one of the most popular essential oils, & can be used dozens of different ways. I use it almost daily + always carry it with me when I'm away from home. It really is a jack of all trades! Peppermint oil acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, cooling, invigorating, expectorant, vasodilator, & stimulator.

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Natural Ways to Support Clear Breathing

Getting a cough or some respiratory illness is super common over the winter months, but for the last long while we've had the added problem of having Covid thrown into the mix. My first goal today is to give you some ways to tackle and support respiratory symptoms before they get out of hand. My second goal is to give you the tools to support respiratory symptoms, even if you're already in the middle of the illness.

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Top Essential Oils for Supporting Your Immune System

Don't you hate it when you can feel something coming on, & there's nothing you can do about it? That's one of the things that excited me most when I first started using essential oils ... we got some control back. Sure, we still get sick sometimes - but when we do, many times we can nip it in the bud before it gets bad. Other times we're just able to be much more comfortable as the bug works its way through our system.

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Top 11 Ways to use Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint is one of the most popular essential oils, & can be used dozens of different ways. I use it almost daily + always carry it with me when I'm away from home. It really is a jack of all trades!

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