The holiday hustle is in full swing for me ... how about you? Isn't it funny how in this season where we long to feel Peace, it can be extremely hard to find. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by it all. I have a few tips for you today on how to reign in the crazy, stop your brain from going a million miles a minute, & bring a sense of calm back into your heart, so you can enjoy the season alongside your family.
Read MoreI used to get headaches when I burned those delicious smelling Bath & Body Works holiday candles. I also loved their plugins, soaps, lotions … all the things. It wasn't until I started weeding out the toxins in my home that I realized the damage those things were doing to my body. Artificial fragrance is a hormone disruptor. It can add to headaches, allergy symptoms, adhd and add symptoms, and anything else that is associated with your hormones (which is quite a lot!). Now I use my essential oils & a diffuser. And I don't miss the candles. Because I can create those scents myself, & the bonus? There's actual health benefits to boot. Here are some of my favorite holiday diffuser recipes.
Read MoreThe amount of ibuprofen I see people use consistently for headaches is staggering (not to mention the prescriptions). My husband is a Pediatric Gastroenterologist who takes care of many kids in need of liver transplants due to overuse of Ibuprofen & Tylenol. What if you could use something natural, that worked just as well, without the problems of so many over the counter options?
Read MoreIf you've been with me awhile, you know about the dangers of the word “fragrance” when it's added to labels of household products. Companies are able to pile on all sorts of ingredients under the label of fragrance, & they don't have to disclose those ingredients because it's considered part of their “proprietary formula”. There are some super simple swaps we can make with these products.
Read MoreBeing married to a Pediatric Gastroenterologist means there's a lot of poop talk around our house. 💩💩💩 Constipation is PAINFUL and all too common. You may need to seek help from a Gastroenterologist, because belly pain can be a symptom of other serious things - not just constipation. But once you know constipation is the culprit, here are some natural and effective ways to get things moving. And I especially love that these typically work faster than anything you can pick up over the counter at the drugstore.
Read MoreGetting a cough or some respiratory illness is super common over the winter months, but for the last long while we've had the added problem of having Covid thrown into the mix. My first goal today is to give you some ways to tackle and support respiratory symptoms before they get out of hand. My second goal is to give you the tools to support respiratory symptoms, even if you're already in the middle of the illness.
Read MoreLet's get into some key things to include every day, & also learn how essential oils can help support you reaching a healthy weight, having more energy, better sleep…all the things that are part of your metabolic health.
Read MoreWe all have days where it's just hard to get going. This happens for various reasons, some of which include lack of sleep (oils are AMAZING for that too btw), poor nutrition, afternoon funk, and emotions. Today I'm going to share with you the top ways we are able to "snap out of it" & get moving.
Read MoreDon't you hate it when you can feel something coming on, & there's nothing you can do about it? That's one of the things that excited me most when I first started using essential oils ... we got some control back. Sure, we still get sick sometimes - but when we do, many times we can nip it in the bud before it gets bad. Other times we're just able to be much more comfortable as the bug works its way through our system.
Read MoreIf you find yourself moody, distracted, having trouble focusing, tired, or just feeling "off" - there are simple & natural solutions you want to put to work in your life. These tools will bring back the calm, rest & focus you've been missing.
Read MoreAnxious feelings are something we all deal with at different times. But for some, it's debilitating. The nice thing about essential oils is they can support your anxious feelings and bring calm very quickly. There are many medical studies on different oils for this purpose.
Read MoreCandles, plug-ins & such at the stores are absolutely brimming with toxic chemicals you don't want floating around in your house. Instead, here are some favorite “Bath & Body Works” mimicking scents for your diffuser. You'll love these!
Read MoreAt least 9 out of 10 people that come to my essential oil classes complain about sleep. And if you're one of those people, then I have some tools you'll be so glad to have in your tool belt to help you finally rest well at night.
Read MoreThe synthetic fragrance in scented candles is toxic and causes allergies, disrupts hormones, contributes to ADHD and ADD, and triggers headaches in many. But you don't want to miss out on the fun scents around the holidays … and you don't have to. Diffusing essential oils is the perfect solution. And along with setting the mood in your home, essential oils can benefit us both physically & emotionally ... it's super fun & easy to do with your diffuser! I thought it would be fun to share with you some of my favorite diffuser recipes - ones that work well for each month of the year. You’ll never miss the candles!
Read MoreI come back to this particular topic a lot because I'm pretty passionate about it. A focus issue is what brought me to essential oils in the first place. My youngest son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was in elementary school. Essential oils made ALL the difference. Here are some tools to help with everyone's focus & concentration ... supporting the brain so we can get down to business & the important things we need to get done.
Read MoreBut before resorting to taking synthetic hormones, did you know that high quality essential oils, paired with lifestyle changes, can be a powerful & natural way to help balance you out? Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in the roots, seeds, stems, bark, leaves, & flowers of different plants. They are super-charged … 50-70x more potent than their herbal counterparts. They are the best plant-based remedy that exists & have been around for thousands of years. And these natural options help you avoid the many side effects associated with synthetic hormones.
Read MoreWe all need to get down to the business of focusing & we also need to focus on maintaining a healthy immune system too. What if I told you it was possible to decrease the amount of sick days in your house? Yes, it's possible, & I'm going to share our favorite ways of doing just that!
Read MoreEveryone is different as far as what triggers your skin, so I'm covering several ways to help you. We'll cover healthy skincare, essential oils, & some simple supplements.
Read MoreWhatever you're doing for your summer, there's bound to be some fun going on & hopefully a vacay or two. Take advantage of these helpful tips our family has learned for staying healthy & happy over your summer!
Read MoreStress is one of the most critical health issues for Americans...especially right now. Excessive stress has devastating effects on our health. Here's what happens when you're constantly stressed out...The good news is that essential oils can reduce stress almost immediately when inhaled or diffused!
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